Category: Pedagogy

  • How Student-Centered Learning Connects to Great Teaching (and Vice Versa)

    Today, I received a wonderful email from one of the finest university leaders I know.  In addition to the kind of generous praise that we all love, she mentioned her own resistance, at times, to Deweyesque student-centered, active, engaged learning practice and, in particular, spoke of the great profs who inspired her own education. Many […]

  • Teaching Through Publishing: Scholarly Journal Article as Collaborative Final Project (a How To Guide)

    Teaching Through Publishing: Scholarly Journal Article as Collaborative Final Project (a How To Guide)

    On August 30, 2017, three students from my Queens College composition course published an article in the scholarly, peer-reviewed journal Hybrid Pedagogy. Their article, “The Ultimate Life Experience: Preparing Students for the World Beyond the Classroom” argues that colleges ought to prepare students for a great future, and offers concrete suggestions for how teachers, administrators, […]

  • Queens College Undergraduates Publish Article in Hybrid Pedagogy

    Queens College Undergraduates Publish Article in Hybrid Pedagogy

    On August 30, 2017, Hybrid Pedagogy, one of the leading scholarly, peer-reviewed academic journals on education, published an article co-authored by three undergraduate students at Queens College: Sumedha Madan, Fina Ferrara, and Gavriel Lev. Their article, “The Ultimate Life Experience: Preparing Students for the World Beyond the Classroom” argues that colleges ought to prepare students […]

  • Group-based Scavenger Hunt Activity: A Reflection

    Group-based Scavenger Hunt Activity: A Reflection

    August 9th was an exciting day for my Futures Initiative team!  This was the day that after a competitive application process, we would finally meet our new (and some recurring) twenty-five undergraduate leadership fellows! On August 9th, we invited these fellows to a introductory workshop at The Graduate Center, CUNY. For this day, we had an […]

  • Three Easy, Smart Ways To Transform Your Classroom Tomorrow

    We’re all weary, nervous, anxious, and sometimes a little overwhelmed at the start of a new year.  Many of us have the best intentions of trying something new and then fall back on the tried and true.  Pause a moment! Breathe! And take a few minutes to look at these three blog posts, each of […]

  • August 30- Twitter Chat on Online Misinformation

    August 30- Twitter Chat on Online Misinformation

    Dear HASTAC scholars, Please join Alison Hedley and I for a discussion on Online Misinformation #HASTACMisinfo between noon and 3pm EST. Please follow the links for quick tips on how to participate to a twitter chat! The series of questions we have prepared so far are the following: Q1 What constitutes misinformation in online […]

  • Community Guidelines: Fostering Inclusive Discussions of Difference

    Community Guidelines: Fostering Inclusive Discussions of Difference

    In this blog, I describe how my class co-authored a set of community guidelines in order to create a supportive environment for discussing issues of race, class, gender, and sexuality. This past semester, I had the deep pleasure of teaching an English course on “The Arts of Dissent” at Queens College, where I shared some […]

  • Lessons Learned from #neweducation

    Lessons Learned from #neweducation

    I learned so many lessons from so many people while writing, talking about, interviewing, and tweeting  The New Education:  How to Revolutionize the University to Prepare Students for a World in Flux  (Basic Books, Sept 5, 2017).  Many of these were lessons learned from others I interviewed and profile in the book.  All are in […]

  • Congratulations CUNY Leadership Fellows!

    Congratulations CUNY Leadership Fellows!

    Congratulations and welcome to the CUNY Leadership Fellows for 2017!  For the third year, exemplary students, with support from the Teagle Foundation, have been chosen from throughout CUNY’s twenty-four two and four-year colleges, over 500.000 full and part-time students.  The Leadership Fellows  exemplify a new model of leadership, one that is dedicated to the larger […]

  • How can we make information literacy really matter to learners?

    How can we make information literacy really matter to learners?

    For immediate release 11th August 2017 How can we make information literacy really matter to learners? Facet Publishing have announced the release of Learner-centred Pedagogy: Principles and practice by Kevin Michael Klipfel and Dani Brecher Cook More than ever, librarians are required to possess pedagogical expertise and are being called upon to design, implement, and […]