Category: K-12

  • Unlocking Potential: Play, Art, and the Critical Windows of Brain Development

    Unlocking Potential: Play, Art, and the Critical Windows of Brain Development

    Giddy Up by Mechelle Gilford circa 2024 Unlocking Potential: Play, Art, and the Critical Windows of Brain Development Children with blindness, low vision, or Cortical Visual Impairment (CVI) paint a vivid picture of how adaptable the human brain truly is. Their unique way of experiencing the world invites us to think beyond sight, and to […]

  • The Art of Unseeing: How CVI Rewrites Aesthetics

    The Art of Unseeing: How CVI Rewrites Aesthetics

    Trompe-l’oeil by Mechelle Gilford and Sir Bard circa 2024 The Art of Unseeing: How CVI Rewrites Aesthetics We tend to presume a universal experience of art – those transcendent moments when a masterpiece resonates with some immutable inner truth. Perhaps we cling to this notion, a byproduct of cultural conditioning, seeking a shared language of […]

  • Chapter 9 Review: Research That Inspires Creativity

    Research as a Creative, Knowledge-Seeking Pursuit In Chapter 9, titled “Research that Inspires Creativity,” authors Cathy N. Davidson and Christina Katopodis present their exhaustive, well-researched ideas, thoughts, and recommendations on research design and methodology. The authors articulate their arguments with remarkable clarity and depth. This chapter is primarily intended for research supervisors and instructors who […]

  • 2023 The Future of Writing:A Symposium for Teachers

    Pedagogy, Process, Potential University of Southern California(online and in person)May 1, 2023 The Writing Program at the University of Southern California and the Annenberg School of Communication and Journalism invite proposals for The Future of Writing: A Symposium for Teachers, a one-day event in which we look down the road to what is coming next.   […]

  • Teach Like a Club: Virtual Reality & Art Therapy

    So Yay!! I am teaching a Photography class this year along with other artsy subjects. So excited. I have been thinking about how to make the best of both worlds of hybrid teaching. This type of hybrid is different that I have done before. It is virtual and at our partner university campus. I reached […]

  • The Power of Um

    The Power of Um

    Flower Plaster Casting Lesson Glitched by Mrs. Gilly circa 2022 Um, yes, um. Reflections and introjections are on my mind today. It is Tuesday. It is so wonderfully weird when a lot of really cool things happen at once. I was fortunate to interview an amazing photographer and it will be published in an online […]

  • Hybrid of a Hybrid: Chimera Teaching?

    Hybrid of a Hybrid: Chimera Teaching?

    The Chimera on a red-figure Apulian plate, c. 350–340 BC, remixed by Mrs. Gilly circa 2022 What is a hybrid of a hybrid? Could it be a chimera with two totally different DNA sets? Spiral me that, and spin a quadruple helix. Okay, I must preface this. I am on the tail end of a migraine. Hence, […]

  • Remixing the Renaissance

    Remixing the Renaissance

    Glitch-a-Lisa by Mrs. Gilly circa 2022 Today I realized that I need to rethink the way that I teach (again). I am currently teaching middle school art. Our school is a first year hybrid catholic school affiliated with a university and partnering with a big online company. The kids and I received some art supplies. I […]

  • Throw Out Your Lesson Plans

    Throw Out Your Lesson Plans

    Sometimes, you just need to throw out your lesson plans. You need to meet the moment of where you and your students are. This morning is one such morning. In my art classes, we are learning about self-portraits. I am big on themes across each class. As such, for our photography class we are doing […]

  • Meanderings of a Hybrid Teacher

    Meanderings of a Hybrid Teacher

      Well Hello, School Year! We are finally here again. Welcome structure to our days. I reflect on where I am today. What day is it during this pandemic? Is it over yet? And who declares when a pandemic is really over? One of my good friends got Covid again at her Back to School […]