Category: Digital Literacies

  • Coding Pedagogy Collection Released

    Coding Pedagogy Collection Released

    I’m excited to share that a new digital collection, Coding Pedagogy, has been launched! I contributed a chapter to this collection, but the best part of all is that the collection is Creative Commons licensed and available for viewing free online.  The work features a series of chapters that explore issues related to teaching coding in […]

  • SJU LLG-1 Comparative Review of Two MOOCs (2019)

    Thank you for taking the time to learn from what we have learned! Our group, LLG 1, each viewed two MOOCs provided by  After the viewings, we met and discussed our initial reactions and reflections. The two learnings we participated in were “Nutrition and Cancer” and “Origins of the Human Mind”. “Nutrition and Cancer” […]

  • A Quick Recap of Bringing Critical Karaoke into the Classroom

    A Quick Recap of Bringing Critical Karaoke into the Classroom

    It’s hard to describe exactly what went down in class. Here’s a very short recap (but it won’t do it justice) before I reflect on the exercise itself: I hit play, and opened with bisexual and pansexual futurity in Janelle Monáe’s “PYNK,” and then it only got more wonderful from there. Zee amped up the body […]

  • Minimalism challenging American Consumerism

    Minimalism challenging American Consumerism

    My experience I have been a minimalist for a year now and I have seen this movement gain more attraction as social media continues to empower the lifestyle. Life for me has been simpler and I have paid attention to what matters most. The distractions of digital advertising no longer bother me, and I don’t […]

  • Direct Animation Workshop

    Direct Animation Workshop

    I had a lot of fun joining the University of Kansas Film and Media Studies Department today for a fabulous Direct Animation Workshop with Professor Kelly Gallagher.  We learned a bit of film history, and then got right to it, creating a film.  We drew directly on the film, and also got creative with nail […]

  • Podcasting and Pedagogy: Suggestions for Guiding Students as they Introduce Sensitive Issues

    Faculty have expressed increasing interest in assigning podcasts in undergraduate courses because these exercises develop useful skills and engage technology-oriented youth. Podcasts help students develop skills, such as audio recording and editing, while crafting a product that they can build upon in their future academic and professional endeavors. For example, in interviews, students may reference […]

  • The Benefits of Technology in the Classroom

    The Benefits of Technology in the Classroom

    As someone who was born in 2000 and began attending school in 2005, I have witnessed many advancements in technologies such as laptops, tablets, and smart boards in classrooms. I vaguely remember any of my teachers ever using a chalkboard to teach a lesson. The use of technology in schools will only be increasing in […]

  • Are professors hindering students’ learning processes by taking away laptops?

    Are professors hindering students’ learning processes by taking away laptops?

               Professors in higher education are debating whether laptops should be allowed in the classroom. All learning styles and students learning abilities are different, so why should a student’s options be limited? Laptops and other forms of technology are beneficial and therefore should be allowed in the classroom due to: they […]

  • Why so Tentative With Technology?

    Why so Tentative With Technology?

                 In a 2000 study conducted by The Center for the Digital Future at the Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism, only 67 percent of respondents declared themselves internet users. When the same study was conducted in 2016, 92 percent of respondents declared themselves internet users. Based on this study, it is […]

  • New paper: ‘Just Google it! Digital literacy and the epistemology of ignorance’

    I am pleased to have published a new paper, to appear in a Special Issue of Teaching in Higher Education. The Special Issue is entitled Experts, knowledge and criticality in the age of ‘alternative facts’: re-examining the contribution of higher education and will be available on the journal’s website in February 2019. Read more here:… […]