Category: Digital Literacies

  • “Gramming” Religion: Instagram as a Pedagogical Tool

    “Gramming” Religion: Instagram as a Pedagogical Tool

    It was barely a third of the way through the spring semester, and I could already see students begin to burn out in class. The Brady-bunch zoom screen, once full of faces, gradually began to fade to black. Students’ initial interest in unraveling the relationship between the Covid-19 pandemic and religious practices was rapidly being overtaken […]

  • 10 Reflections from Online Teaching

    10 Reflections from Online Teaching

    1: Utilize breakout rooms/small groups for difficult questions or problems for which students need time to process.  Small groups alleviate the pressure of speaking in front of the group. Furthermore, it gives students the opportunity to work on a problem or question together, and importantly the chance to gather their thoughts before speaking to the […]

  • Teaching With The Digital Archive

    Teaching With The Digital Archive

    For students who are just learning how to wield digital literacy and assess sources in a critical fashion, digital archives provide a ready source of analysis. As a MA student at Oklahoma State University, I taught a section of First Year Writing which included the archive as a site of digital literacy. In introducing students […]

  • Introductions of Nusrat Zahan Chowdhury: New HASTAC Scholar for the 2020-2021 Program

    Introductions of Nusrat Zahan Chowdhury: New HASTAC Scholar for the 2020-2021 Program

    Hi folks! I am Nusrat Zahan Chowdhury, and I am writing to introduce myself as I have been selected as a new HASTAC Scholar into the 2020-2021 HASTAC Scholars Program. I am a first year PhD Student at the School of Arts, Technology and Emerging Communications at the University of Texas at Dallas. I use […]

  • Zoom for Students 101

    Zoom for Students 101

    In the wake of the recent Covid-19 outbreak, many universities have decided to transition to online learning in lieu of live face-to-face learning. Instructors continue efforts to provide live support for their students and maintain consistency in their lives. One distinct tool that have stood out is Zoom, many educational institutes have used Zoom for […]

  • 12 Ways to Up Your Canvas Game

    12 Ways to Up Your Canvas Game

    1: Configure your profile. Select a profile picture, add a bio or links to any relevant sites, and change your display name (if you have the appropriate permissions to do so) by navigating to the left sidebar and clicking the top button, “Account”  >  “Settings”  >  “Edit Settings” at the bottom. While you’re still setting […]

  • Call for Submissions for General Issue of the the Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy with a Forum on Teaching in the Time of the COVID-19 Pandemic – Dec. 2, 2020 Deadline

    Call for Submissions for General Issue of the the Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy with a Forum on Teaching in the Time of the COVID-19 Pandemic – Dec. 2, 2020 Deadline

    The Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy General Issue with a Forum on Teaching in the Time of the COVID-19 Pandemic Issue Editors: Nicole Zeftel (SUNY Buffalo) Alexis Larsson (CUNY Graduate Center) Teresa Ober (University of Notre Dame) Call for submissions URL: The Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy (JITP) seeks scholarly work at […]

  • Benefits of Using Brightspace Learning Management: A Student Perspective

    Benefits of Using Brightspace Learning Management: A Student Perspective

    For the past 3 months, I had the opportunity to work a co-op term at my university working on upgrading our learning management system from Moodle to the D2L system Brightspace. My background comes from Social Sciences and my knowledge of computer science is very limited. But with my major in Political Science and minor […]

  • Vlogs, GIFs, Twine, and Macros: Multimodal Writing

    Vlogs, GIFs, Twine, and Macros: Multimodal Writing

    Vlogs, GIFs, Twine, & Macros Multimodal Writing ENGL 2150 Fall 2018 *** Jesse Rice-Evans, Graduate Teaching Fellow M 5:10-7:20; Vertical Campus Computer Lab Office Hours by Appointment Only Baruch College | CUNY   In this course, the second semester required writing course at Baruch, you will develop your ability to read, write, and think critically. […]

  • Leading Synchronous Discussions: Challenges and Recommendations

    Leading Synchronous Discussions: Challenges and Recommendations

    This post was co-authored with HASTAC Scholar Shari Wejsa.  You may have been there this year…countless times…attempting to engage with your students during a Zoom session while getting cryptic silences and blank stares in return. The diagnosis? Zoom fatigue. As instructors, what can we do to connect with our students in an online environment while […]