Category: Digital Literacies

  • HASTAC Scholar Spotlight: Hiranya Mukherjee

    1) Why did you apply to HASTAC? As I was nearing the end of my Master’s program in English Literature, I was apprehensive about leaving the university circle and setting forth into the world outside academia. In the five consecutive years that comprised my Bachelor’s and Master’s programs in Literary Studies, I had grown accustomed […]

  • CFP: Submissions for The Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy special issue – Labor, Political Economy, and Activism

    Themed Issue 24: Digital Humanities: Labor, Political Economy, and Activism in the Age of Digital Mediation Issue Editors: Matthew N. Hannah, Purdue University Gabriel Hankins, Clemson University Anna Alexis Larsson, Indiana University The Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy (JITP) seeks scholarly work at the intersection of technology with teaching, learning, and research for a […]

  • Scholar Spotlight: Savannah P. Fitzpatrick

    Why did you apply to HASTAC? When I learned about HASTAC Scholars, I was in the midst of preparing for my thesis defense. As the time left in the final semester of my master’s program dwindled, I grew increasingly more aware of the inevitable divide between myself and the world of academics that would reveal […]

  • Chapter 9 Review: Research That Inspires Creativity

    Research as a Creative, Knowledge-Seeking Pursuit In Chapter 9, titled “Research that Inspires Creativity,” authors Cathy N. Davidson and Christina Katopodis present their exhaustive, well-researched ideas, thoughts, and recommendations on research design and methodology. The authors articulate their arguments with remarkable clarity and depth. This chapter is primarily intended for research supervisors and instructors who […]

  • 2023 The Future of Writing:A Symposium for Teachers

    Pedagogy, Process, Potential University of Southern California(online and in person)May 1, 2023 The Writing Program at the University of Southern California and the Annenberg School of Communication and Journalism invite proposals for The Future of Writing: A Symposium for Teachers, a one-day event in which we look down the road to what is coming next.   […]

  • Remixing the Renaissance

    Remixing the Renaissance

    Glitch-a-Lisa by Mrs. Gilly circa 2022 Today I realized that I need to rethink the way that I teach (again). I am currently teaching middle school art. Our school is a first year hybrid catholic school affiliated with a university and partnering with a big online company. The kids and I received some art supplies. I […]

  • Collaborative Book Review: Interview with Prof Sasha Costanza-Chock, author of Design Justice (2020)

    Collaborative Book Review: Interview with Prof Sasha Costanza-Chock, author of Design Justice (2020)

    R. Baker (interviewer & editor) Galen Bunting (interviewer) Nanditha Krishna (editor) On Jun 12, 2022, HASTAC scholars R. Baker and Galen Bunting met over Zoom with Prof. Sasha Costanza-Chock, to discuss their book Design Justice (2020) . This interview has been edited for length and clarity (under the guidance of Prof. Costanza-Chock) by HASTAC scholars Nanditha Krishna and R Baker  […]

  • Mapping Asian American Narratives: Conception and Collaboration in D.H. Classes

    Mapping Asian American Narratives: Conception and Collaboration in D.H. Classes

    Since the academic year is coming to an end, I want to take the time to reflect on the conception and collaboration that gets into the creation of classes in D.H. pedagogy. I think that in this case, it’s important to know how the sausage gets made to demystify the complexity surrounding D.H. classes and […]

  • Chapter 5 Review : Design Pedagogies: “There’s Something Wrong with This System!”

    Chapter 5 Review : Design Pedagogies: “There’s Something Wrong with This System!”

    The fifth chapter of Design Justice, titled Design Pedagogies: “There’s Something Wrong with This System!”, presents Dr. Sasha Costanza-Chock’s observations and perspectives at the intersection of education, pedagogy, and the design justice model. The chapter begins with Dr. Costanza-Chock referencing Black feminist scholar bell hooks’ quote from her seminal work Teaching to Transgress. hooks emphasizes […]

  • Thoughts on Teaching Digital Public History

    This semester I taught a class on digital public history. I designed the class based on what I wish I learned in college for my career in public history. Small assignments included a grant, mission statement, project pitch, exhibit label, and a budget. Our big assignment was a collaborative digital history project. As I was […]