Category: Pedagogy

  • Anti-Ableist Pedagogies and You

    (Cross-posted from the Teach @ CUNY’s Visible Pedagogy site, here) This blog post is coming later than it should be. My BPD (borderline personality dis/order), my depression, my anxiety, hit peak levels during the time I was supposed to be writing this: a perfect storm of mental health cacophony. When I emailed to say, simply, […]

  • Syllabus and Curricular Arc for Anti-racist Course

      Writing Your Way to a New Theory of Race and Racism   In this class, you will use reading and writing to challenge your assumptions around race, to investigate your relationship to race, and to design a new cognitive paradigm around race and racism. The overall goal of the class is to empower you […]

  • Creating an Equitable Environment

    Creating an Equitable Environment

    Personal Objective: As I’ve been going through the weeks and decided on the best activity/reading/visual component to showcase, I feel like this course and any versions of it could go on forever. I’ve also learned how quickly a semester can fly by so I’ve tailored the course to have leeway/overlap if needed. There will also […]

  • “I Would Use the Kitchen Sink”: Writing as Re-Vision, Re-Mix, Re-Search: A Course Syllabus

    College Composition I “I WOULD USE THE KITCHEN SINK”: WRITING AS RE-VISION, RE-MIX, RE-SEARCH Course Syllabus with a focus on Claudia Rankine’s Citizen, An American Lyric Prof. Sara Deniz Akant Fall 2017   The materials are books, yes, but they are also spaces of encounter; how we are touched by things; how we touch things. […]

  • Syllabus for Literacy, Culture and Identity first-year writing course

    This is a syllabus is for a first-year writing course I created called Literacy, Culture, and Identity, which was inspired by scholarship in critical race and feminist pedagogies and originally intended to be taught as English 101 at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, City University of New York (CUNY). John Jay’s English 101 class is essentially supposed to be about […]

  • Syllabus for “From Mayberry to ‘Netflix and Chill’: Topics in Television, Race, Gender, and Class”

    Syllabus for “From Mayberry to ‘Netflix and Chill’: Topics in Television, Race, Gender, and Class”

      [COLLABORATIVE SYLLABUS] From Mayberry to “Netflix and Chill”: Topics in Television, Race, Gender, and Class Course Description:  David Lynch recently told the Sydney Morning Herald that Inland Empire (2006) would be his last feature film.  The auteur said in the interview that, “Things that were doing well at the box office weren’t the things […]

  • English 1012: Memoir, Memory, and Revisioning History

    Thanks for visiting this blog post! Here, you will find an attached syllabus that I designed for English 1012, Brooklyn College’s required research writing course.  I chose to title the course “Memoir, Memory, and Revisioning History,” as I hope to focus the class on the critical importance of memoir and life writing.  Some questions this class seeks to explore: what […]

  • Exploring Race, Gender and Sexuality Theories Through the Arts Syllabus

    Exploring Race, Gender and Sexuality Theories Through the Arts of Music and Literature by Nicky Hutchins This semester I stepped out of my comfort zone by signing up alongside two of my classmates to conduct two modules of “Teaching Theories of Race, Gender and Music” to our graduate school classmates in our Teaching Race and […]

  • Self & Other in Literature: A Collaborative Syllabus

    Abstract: Genre is facing an identity crisis; digital and multimodal writing “dis-compose” classic forms of academic writing and reading, while a new era of identity “dis-composes” cultural narratives. Femme writers are subverting paradigms of communication and genre by working with language and narrative in new ways, as queer biography and autobiography mark an important turn […]

  • UDL and UXD: Inclusion as Access and Equity, Learning as Meaningful Experience

    UDL and UXD: Inclusion as Access and Equity, Learning as Meaningful Experience

    I wrote this post for the blog corresponding to the Second Pan-Canadian Conference on Universal Design for Learning, which will be held at the University of Prince Edward Island from May 31 to June 2 this year. The subject of the conference is “Bringing User Experience to Education: UDL and Inclusion for the 21st Century” […]