Category: Online Learning

  • Language Panda: Finding and Sharing Digital Tools for Language Teaching

    Language Panda: Finding and Sharing Digital Tools for Language Teaching

    In 2016, a group of graduate students at Vanderbilt University identified a need on campus for a stronger language teaching community: While instructors were using technology in their classes to enhance language learning, they had few opportunities to share their digital pedagogy or learn how other teachers implemented such technology in their classes. To address this need, […]

  • Down Shifting: Resisting Over-Productivity and the “Teacher as Martyr” Syndrome in the Pandemic

    Down Shifting: Resisting Over-Productivity and the “Teacher as Martyr” Syndrome in the Pandemic

    This teacher-scholar is TIRED. The kind of tired that I can feel behind my eyeballs; the kind that no amount of uninterrupted sleep, vigorous exercise, or walking breaks will banish.  This teacher was tired long before the pandemic crept in while we were sleeping and, seemingly overnight, sent us all into our various homes and […]

  • Quarantine Blues: How It Really Feels to Suddenly Become an Online College Senior

    Quarantine Blues: How It Really Feels to Suddenly Become an Online College Senior

    It has now been about two weeks since the beginning of our nation’s journey into online education. In light of the pandemic, everyone is required to stay home to flatten the curve and help end the spread before it becomes too much to bear. This means students and teachers cannot go to school without being […]

  • Critical Digital Pedagogy: Strategies for Remote Instruction

    On the morning of Monday, March 9, I reached out to a supervisor suggesting that we begin thinking about offering a virtual version of NYU’s Intro to Programming tutoring lab. At the time, my concern was primarily for immunocomprised staff and students. CSCI-UA.0002 (Introduction to Computer Programming in Python) enrolls many hundreds of NYU students […]

  • Two IHE Articles on Teaching in a Pandemic: Community and Assessment

    Two IHE Articles on Teaching in a Pandemic: Community and Assessment

    Here are two compassionate, useful articles about teaching in a pandemic. Both were coauthored with Christina Katopodis, I’ve (an extraordinary English doctoral student, Futures Initiative Fellow, and prize-winning adjunct teacher at Hunter).  She and I are writing Transforming Every Classroom:  A Practical Guide (due out in 2022 from Harvard UP).   “ This one is about the […]

  • Engagement Tools for Remote Teaching

    Engagement Tools for Remote Teaching

      In the past week, more and more universities have switched or considering switching in-person courses to online courses. Our academic community joined their efforts to offer primers and guidelines from how to conduct classes through online platforms, to discussions on accessibility and engagement. Teaching online for the first time can be challenging; however, we […]

  • Reflections on 2 Years of Experiments

    Reflections on 2 Years of Experiments

    This is a transcript of the linked audio file from my HASTAC Showcase presentation at the University of Kansas, May 9, 2019. I was quite rubbish at keeping a blog, but here is a record of some of the things I did!   Begin Transcript: Hello! My name is An Sasala and I am an […]

  • Tidying Your Workspace – LLG3 Online Learning Module

    Tidying Your Workspace – LLG3 Online Learning Module

    How many times have you tried yet failed to be productive because of an unorganized workspace or overflowing inbox? Our module is focused on guiding you through the practice of “tidying” your workspace in order to simplify your surroundings, leading to a happier, more productive you.  Please click the YouTube link below to view our presentation. […]

  • How Effective Is Your Online Training Content? A Critique of Two Modules (LLG3)

    How Effective Is Your Online Training Content? A Critique of Two Modules (LLG3)

    To critique the effectiveness of online learning designs, we participated in two different courses: a training on virtual teams and another on making beer. Everyone in our group currently leads a team, so we have decent experience in that realm. Yet we are hardly beer-making experts despite sufficient beer-tasting experience. As four learners representing a […]

  • LLG #5 – Online Learning Module Comparison

    LLG #5:  Christopher Biehl, Jessica Boland and La Shaun Gould Our group viewed multiple learning modules on stress and anxiety. In reviewing, comparing, and contrasting our findings, we found that these modules all looked at stress from a different vantage point pending the speaker. This was great as a group assignment as we all looked […]