Category: K-12
Teaching Expiration Date?
With all that is going on now it is hard to keep up. Some days I totally want to unplug and I do. Other days I am hooked on the T.V. watching the news. We are living in a time of paradoxes. There is so little and so much going on at the same time. […]
Virtual School Culture
Every time I try to organize my makeshift office in our dining room, I spend half the time taking a trip down memory lane. In a school box there was our school yearbook in an envelope. I have been quarantining the mail for a couple of days when I get it from the mailboxes. We […]
Notes from Underground
My relationship to my profession—teaching comparative literature, religious studies and philosophy at an elite liberal arts college, DePauw University—is ambivalent. I adore my students, I adore teaching, but I can’t shake the feeling that the kind of institution I’m teaching in perpetuates an enormously broken and unjust system. I can’t shake the feeling that, for […]
A Trip to the Pool (Well Almost a Pool!)
As I mentioned in an earlier post about meeting our community partner (click here to catch up!), one of the most important components of Project Based Learning (PBL) is the community partner. Having an excited and dedicated community partner takes a project from just good to outstanding. Our community partner for the Museum project is […]
The How’s and Why’s of PBL: Part Three of My Visit to Southport Elementary
Post Tour Interview After our wonderful tour through the halls and classrooms of Southport Elementary, we stopped to chat and ask questions that had popped up. If you missed my first two post, click on this link: to get to my blog home page! I compiled a list of questions that my classmate, Emma, and […]
The Power of a Simple Math Problem: Part Two of My Visit to Southport Elementary
The Tour In my previous post, I talked about my arrival at Southport Elementary in southern Indianapolis, and some of the conversation I had with the principal and vice principal. If you missed that post, follow this link: to get all caught up. After we had the chance to ask those initial questions and learn a […]
Immersing Myself in PBL: Part One of My Visit to Southport Elementary
Yesterday morning, I had the pleasure of visiting Southport Elementary school south of Indianapolis; this elementary (1-5) school boasts a school-wide project-based learning curriculum. Thus far, I have read a lot about how PBL works and strategies for implementing it, but I haven’t seen any examples of it besides a class here and there at […]
Presenting to the Public: My Sharing of PBL with the Greater Greencastle, IN Community
So, it’s been awhile since I last posted! I’m a firm believer in taking breaks, so when Christmas break rolls around I’m avidly resting and reading books for the entire three weeks. However, it’s time for my university’s Winter Term (WT) which is three or so weeks of freedom for students to do anything they […]
Running Bibliography: Feminist Pedagogy
During this year-long exploration, I have started to look into different pedagogies that have evolved over time. This running bibilography compiles the sources I have read through so far that dive into the world of feminist pedagogy. Many of these sources include information about changing pedagogy for the inclusivity of a variety of learners. In […]
Starting My Classroom Experience
This past week, I met with my sponsor and a teacher from one of our local elementary schools. Up until now, I have focused mainly on reading through as much source material as possible. Although I am still a student myself, I have not recently been a student of education. I had to start this […]