Category: K-12
Chapter 5 Review : Design Pedagogies: “There’s Something Wrong with This System!”
The fifth chapter of Design Justice, titled Design Pedagogies: “There’s Something Wrong with This System!”, presents Dr. Sasha Costanza-Chock’s observations and perspectives at the intersection of education, pedagogy, and the design justice model. The chapter begins with Dr. Costanza-Chock referencing Black feminist scholar bell hooks’ quote from her seminal work Teaching to Transgress. hooks emphasizes […]
How Teaching Science Has Changed
Like most educational settings, the science classroom has changed dramatically in the past few decades. Education, like science itself, is an ever-changing field. As our technology and knowledge progress, we are discovering better methods for helping students learn science concepts while also teaching them to approach problems like scientists. Technology Technology has become increasingly ubiquitous […]
Selfie by the School Bus taken in 2006 glitchified in 2022 Humor. That is how many us of teachers are getting through these last two plus years of teaching. We are now in the 4th quarter of the third school year of the pandemic. We are in the homestretch. As one of my teacher friends said, […]
Ode to the Socially Awkward
This Typewriter Doesn’t Ding! taken in Indiana Place. Lately, I have been trying to find my place. The place where I contribute. At 50, I guess you could say that I am at which Erik Erikson posited as Generativity vs. Stagnation. Middle Adulthood. In this stage, adults need to create and nurture things that will outlast them. […]
New book explores the critical role of school libraries in improving student literacy and emotional welfare
New book explores the critical role of school libraries in improving student literacy and emotional welfare Facet Publishing announce the publication of School Libraries Supporting Literacy and Wellbeing Published today, Dr Margaret K Merga’s new book School Libraries Supporting Literacy and Wellbeing gives much-needed consideration to the role that school libraries and their staff play […]
College Papers
Square College Papers College papers, where are they? I found some of my college papers in a big baggie full of discs. I have been making time to reflect, but it is hard to reflect sometimes. You have to do the work, and that makes space for more work. It is a Snow Day here […]
What teaching writing taught me about my own work
When I was younger, I used to weave fantasies about what it might be like to be a writer when I grew up. I read voraciously at the time, with no discerning taste. My writing was similarly haphazard. I drew from the styles of authors I fell in love with. First Tamora Pierce and J.D. […]
Tabla Rasa
Whew! What a school year! And it isn’t over yet. All us virtual teachers at my school have one more week to go. Today was the last day for our students. I still have that gulp in my throat from saying goodbyes to my students. Today was my last class. We did a lesson on […]
Cracking the Chrysalis
How does an emerging butterfly crack through their chrysalis? Do they elbow their way through with their forewing? How do we re-enter the world as we remember it? After dealing with a little bit of road rage in Monterey, mind you, my husband half-jokingly says that we are going back to abnormal. Are we going […]
Singing Telegrams
Just a teacher, trying to wake my student to come to class. I thought I would try a singing telegram today! : )