Category: Higher Education
Running Bibliography: Feminist Pedagogy
During this year-long exploration, I have started to look into different pedagogies that have evolved over time. This running bibilography compiles the sources I have read through so far that dive into the world of feminist pedagogy. Many of these sources include information about changing pedagogy for the inclusivity of a variety of learners. In […]
“The People In Our Classrooms Who Are Students”: Learning the Hardest Lessons of Higher Ed Today
[This blog has been edited substantially, thanks to excellent feedback from academic twitter! Thank you all!] My colleague Kandice Chuh uses the phrase “the people in our classrooms who are students” to remind us that students have full, complex, and increasingly challenging lives outside of school. That bright-eyed student who is always prepared, sits in […]
How Prof Bruns Helps 1st Year College Students Speak in Class
Today, in our Progressive Pedagogy Group, we recognize the superb classroom and institutional innovations of Professor Cristy Bruns, Associate Professor of English at LaGuardia Community College, CUNY. Professor Bruns teaches first- and second-semester composition, and her teaching innovation gets first-year college students accustomed to speaking and participating in class. After many years teaching as an […]
What Do Students Lose by Not Taking Humanities Courses? Too Much!
In the latest issue of MLA’s Profession, Cathy N. Davidson and Christina Katopodis argue that students lose too much when they don’t take humanities courses and that now is the time for those of us teaching in the humanities to do more than take a defensive posture in what amounts to a global assault on the […]
Learning from Prof Walter Greason’s Real-Time Video and Social Media Classroom Innovations
Today, in our Progressive Pedagogy Group on, we recognize the superb classroom and institutional innovations of Professor Walter D. Greason, Associate Professor and Dean Emeritus at Monmouth University. His contributions to African American studies, diaspora studies, American studies–enhanced by sophisticated and ingenious use of social media, video, and other digital tools–is inestimable. There is […]
Recognizing Leadership and Group Classroom Methods of Prof Virginia Yonkers, Univ at Albany
In this Progressive Pedagogy Group on, we recognize superb, innovative professors and their classroom innovations. Today, we feature Professor Virginia Yonkers at the University of Albany who tells us about herself and her classroom innovations in group learning and leadership as well as partnering with universities abroad: Professor Yonkers holds a Phd in Curriculum […]
Recap: The Grad School Application Process: A View from the Trenches
On September 20, 2019, I hosted a HASTAC Digital Friday webinar about applying to graduate school. I gave my presentation the tongue-in-cheek subtitle “A View from the Trenches” because, with so many files and deadlines to keep track of, the grad school application cycle can occasionally feel like the planning of a military campaign. Having […]
Introduce Yourselves: Activity for the First Day of Class
Overview: “Introduce Yourselves,” an Exercise for the First Day of Class Everything we do in a small seminar class depends on collaboration, even if it is only raising one’s hand and contributing to the discussion. When students are required to work together on a project, they typically emit a collective groan because they have all too […]
Dr. Jenn Polish on Accessible Syllabus Design: Content, Assignments, Assessments, and More
Syllabus accessibility isn’t emphasized enough in academe. Too often, accessibility is limited to a single statement toward the end of the syllabus rather than something that is integrated into a course from the beginning stages of syllabus design. Dr. Jenn Polish asks, “What would happen if we structured our syllabus to foreground accessibility, rather than […]
Resources on Progressive Pedagogy, Active Learning, Student-Centered Learning
PROGRESSIVE PEDAGOGY GROUP Anyone who wants to learn more about active learning, progressive pedagogy, radical pedagogy, student-centered learning–different variations and names for all the ways that the classroom includes students in the design of the learning–can either visit or join “Progressive Pedagogy,” a “sister group” on PROGRESSIVE PEDAGOGY GROUP