Category: Connected Learning

  • I Learn in Experience: Reflections As Student-Writer Human

    I Learn in Experience: Reflections As Student-Writer Human

    Critical reflection on my experience as a student in unexciting classrooms enabled me not only to imagine that the classroom could be exciting but that this excitement could co-exist with and even stimulate serious intellectual and/or academic engagement.” — bell hooks, Teaching to Trangress As a first-year graduate student, I found myself needing to reorient […]

  • Quarantine Blues: How It Really Feels to Suddenly Become an Online College Senior

    Quarantine Blues: How It Really Feels to Suddenly Become an Online College Senior

    It has now been about two weeks since the beginning of our nation’s journey into online education. In light of the pandemic, everyone is required to stay home to flatten the curve and help end the spread before it becomes too much to bear. This means students and teachers cannot go to school without being […]

  • A Short Message From a Senior During These Crazy Times

    A Short Message From a Senior During These Crazy Times

    So it’s been a while since I’ve posted – I’m sure everyone knows why. I hope everyone is staying safe and sane in the midst of the crazy that has taken over the world. It’s a time of uncertainty, anxiety, and fear. It has disrupted our daily lives in a way that no one alive […]

  • “Learning Outcomes” in a Time of COVID: What Happens When Students Say What They Aspire To?

    “Learning Outcomes” in a Time of COVID:  What Happens When Students Say What They Aspire To?

    What happens if we give up the idea that our course should begin with a prescriptive list of “learning outcomes” and offer students the chance to express their own?  Even if you are at an institution that requires you to submit your outcomes in advance (as many do), you can simply put those on the […]

  • MSU Global DH Symposium

    MSU Global DH Symposium

      Digital Humanities at Michigan State University is proud to extend its symposium series on Global DH into its fifth year. Digital humanities scholarship continues to be driven by work at the intersections of a range of distinct disciplines and an ethical commitment to preserve and broaden access to cultural materials. Due to coronavirus this event […]

  • Tips for Students: Distance Learning in the time of COVID-19

    Tips for Students: Distance Learning in the time of COVID-19

    Students and people who work with students know that it is difficult to balance school and work, even in normal circumstances. And now, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, that challenge is more acute than ever. Together with my CUNY colleagues Lisa Brundage and Lisa Rhody, we have prepared some recommendations for students who […]

  • Engagement Tools for Remote Teaching

    Engagement Tools for Remote Teaching

      In the past week, more and more universities have switched or considering switching in-person courses to online courses. Our academic community joined their efforts to offer primers and guidelines from how to conduct classes through online platforms, to discussions on accessibility and engagement. Teaching online for the first time can be challenging; however, we […]

  • Here’s How To Make a (free, safe) Group On

    Any HASTAC Member Can Create A Course Group on HASTAC   Cathy Davidson If you are registered as a HASTAC member, you can begin to create a Group for your class right now.  If you are not a member, you can fill out the registration form and we will work hard to approve your registration […]

  • A Trip to the Pool (Well Almost a Pool!)

    A Trip to the Pool (Well Almost a Pool!)

    As I mentioned in an earlier post about meeting our community partner (click here to catch up!), one of the most important components of Project Based Learning (PBL)  is the community partner. Having an excited and dedicated community partner takes a project from just good to outstanding. Our community partner for the Museum project is […]

  • Nietzsche’s Three Metamorphoses and an unexpected PBL Class: How I Got To Where I Am Now

    Nietzsche’s Three Metamorphoses and an unexpected PBL Class: How I Got To Where I Am Now

    As I’ve been writing these blog posts and thinking about my thesis, I’ve been spending a lot of time thinking about how I got here. I’m a senior, biochemistry major writing my thesis about education. How did this even happen? In the bio of my group “An Exploration into PBL by a Curious Undergraduate”, I […]