Category: Connected Learning

  • Coaching and Consulting Movie Blog

    Coaching and consulting are effective leadership methods that help guide individuals and organizations along their journey to attaining desired results. The movies, The Legend of Bagger Vance and Twelve Angry Men, provide deep insight into the coaching and consulting process. The Legend of Bagger Vance is a movie that depicts the role of a coach, […]

  • What Is a HASTAC Scholar? Please Join Me in Welcoming Our Next Cohort!

    What Is a HASTAC Scholar? Please Join Me in Welcoming Our Next Cohort!

    Welcome new HASTAC Scholars! It is a great pleasure to welcome you to the Humanities, Arts, Science, and Technology Alliance and Collaboratory—-“Haystack,” we say.  HASTAC is an alliance, a network, a community, and not a formal organization in a traditional sense.  HASTAC is shaped by the contributions of its network members.  As HASTAC Scholars, you […]

  • How To Make #NewEducation Work in Your Classroom Today

    How To Make #NewEducation Work in Your Classroom Today

    At dinner the other night, a dear friend who has read The New Education:  How to Revolutionize the University to Prepare Students for a World in Flux, said, “I loved the book–but it really didn’t tell me how to teach Martin Heidegger tomorrow.” He’s right.  And that’s intentional.  I want profs to assess their own […]

  • Upcoming Online Misinformation Workshop and Growing Workshop Material

    Upcoming Online Misinformation Workshop and Growing Workshop Material

    Hello everyone,   On August 30th, a colleague, Alison Hedley and I ran a twitter chat concerning online news and misinformation. Although we are careful to frame the issue as a long-standing one, our goal is to continue discussion and create more space to talk about the specific ways in which online misinformation has pernicious […]

  • Group-based Scavenger Hunt Activity: A Reflection

    Group-based Scavenger Hunt Activity: A Reflection

    August 9th was an exciting day for my Futures Initiative team!  This was the day that after a competitive application process, we would finally meet our new (and some recurring) twenty-five undergraduate leadership fellows! On August 9th, we invited these fellows to a introductory workshop at The Graduate Center, CUNY. For this day, we had an […]

  • August 30- Twitter Chat on Online Misinformation

    August 30- Twitter Chat on Online Misinformation

    Dear HASTAC scholars, Please join Alison Hedley and I for a discussion on Online Misinformation #HASTACMisinfo between noon and 3pm EST. Please follow the links for quick tips on how to participate to a twitter chat! The series of questions we have prepared so far are the following: Q1 What constitutes misinformation in online […]

  • Lessons Learned from #neweducation

    Lessons Learned from #neweducation

    I learned so many lessons from so many people while writing, talking about, interviewing, and tweeting  The New Education:  How to Revolutionize the University to Prepare Students for a World in Flux  (Basic Books, Sept 5, 2017).  Many of these were lessons learned from others I interviewed and profile in the book.  All are in […]

  • Congratulations CUNY Leadership Fellows!

    Congratulations CUNY Leadership Fellows!

    Congratulations and welcome to the CUNY Leadership Fellows for 2017!  For the third year, exemplary students, with support from the Teagle Foundation, have been chosen from throughout CUNY’s twenty-four two and four-year colleges, over 500.000 full and part-time students.  The Leadership Fellows  exemplify a new model of leadership, one that is dedicated to the larger […]

  • How Virtual Reality Can Bring Citizen Science to Your Science Classroom

    How Virtual Reality Can Bring Citizen Science to Your Science Classroom

    In a participatory democracy, citizens engage in the democratic process.  For some reason, this idea is often removed from our classrooms.  The truth is that social issues have a natural place in our classrooms, particularly in science classrooms.  So much of science learning focuses on content learning; connecting the content to issues that affect students […]

  • Adult Learning: Redefining the Golden Ring