Category: Collaboration
Playlists for Learning: Challenging, Engaging and Connected to Community
Who were you addressing with your design objective? While designing My City, My Place, we had a specific persona in mind. Our design persona was a public high school student who enjoys technology, isn’t that familiar with our library, and wants to showcase what makes their city/state “the place to be”. What are the three […]
Anti-Ableist Pedagogies and You
(Cross-posted from the Teach @ CUNY’s Visible Pedagogy site, here) This blog post is coming later than it should be. My BPD (borderline personality dis/order), my depression, my anxiety, hit peak levels during the time I was supposed to be writing this: a perfect storm of mental health cacophony. When I emailed to say, simply, […]
Syllabus for “From Mayberry to ‘Netflix and Chill’: Topics in Television, Race, Gender, and Class”
[COLLABORATIVE SYLLABUS] From Mayberry to “Netflix and Chill”: Topics in Television, Race, Gender, and Class Course Description: David Lynch recently told the Sydney Morning Herald that Inland Empire (2006) would be his last feature film. The auteur said in the interview that, “Things that were doing well at the box office weren’t the things […]
English 1012: Memoir, Memory, and Revisioning History
Thanks for visiting this blog post! Here, you will find an attached syllabus that I designed for English 1012, Brooklyn College’s required research writing course. I chose to title the course “Memoir, Memory, and Revisioning History,” as I hope to focus the class on the critical importance of memoir and life writing. Some questions this class seeks to explore: what […]
Self & Other in Literature: A Collaborative Syllabus
Abstract: Genre is facing an identity crisis; digital and multimodal writing “dis-compose” classic forms of academic writing and reading, while a new era of identity “dis-composes” cultural narratives. Femme writers are subverting paradigms of communication and genre by working with language and narrative in new ways, as queer biography and autobiography mark an important turn […]
UDL and UXD: Inclusion as Access and Equity, Learning as Meaningful Experience
I wrote this post for the blog corresponding to the Second Pan-Canadian Conference on Universal Design for Learning, which will be held at the University of Prince Edward Island from May 31 to June 2 this year. The subject of the conference is “Bringing User Experience to Education: UDL and Inclusion for the 21st Century” […]
Final Projects from Students in The Arts of Dissent at Queens College
This semester students in my ENG 241 course at Queens College took what they learned and co-created their own “arts of dissent”: original websites, videos, timelines, lesson plans, poetry, photography, and drawings. (I’ve included the rationale for this assignment at the bottom of this post.) Want to know what Queens College students think about 2017? They think stereotypes […]
Chapter 5: Three Problems with Observation (review by James Edmonds)
Part of the Collaborative Book Review of Structuring Equality: Handbook for Student-Centered Learning. The book is available here. This post reviews Chapter 5, “Three Problems with Observation” by Arinn Amer. Arinn Amer articulately lays bare the hierarchical, disciplinarily distinct, and voyeuristic problematics of teaching observations in her chapter, “Three Problems with Observation.” She indicates through both written word and animation the […]
Chapter 3: The Atlanta Compromise, Reacting to the Past (review by Emily Esten)
Part of the Collaborative Book Review of Structuring Equality: Handbook for Student-Centered Learning. The book is available here. This post reviews Chapter 3, “The Atlanta Compromise, Reacting to the Past” by Iris Finkel. In its efforts to center student learning, Finkel’s chapter argues that the “Reacting to the Past” (RTTP) game framework encourages student participation and reflection while engaging with history. Pioneered […]
Catching the Mood: A Quick Look at Contagious Emotions (LLG3)
For our final presentation our group created a learning module on how emotions are contagious. The goal is for our mini training to spark your curiousity to learn more. Hope you enjoy it.