Form a writing group

I want to start a writing group that focuses on peer review and accountability.

I am looking for people working on term papers, dissertation, publications, book chapters, grant proposals–really any kind of academic writing.  

My suggested structure: 

  • A team of 4-6 participants on a rotating schedule (half in Group A and half in Group B)
  • Online Meeting schedules:
    • every other week at a time the team agrees upon.
      • Rotation: The first meeting will be A-week (review work from Group A), the next meeting B-week (review work from Group B).
  • Making it work:
    • At least 3 days prior to a meeting, members of the scheduled group will send out their writing (whatever you have–drafts, parts of/complete article or chapter draft, dissertation chapter, outline–something that demonstrates your project).
      • All members should provide written comments on the work and send it back to the authors before the scheduled meeting.
    • During the meeting:
      • The group provides oral feedback based on their comments and offers constructive criticism to improve the writing/research of the piece.
      • This provides a chance for the author to think through their work too and respond to questions and address some comments. 

My goal is to collectively cultivate our writing and reviewing skills, while also providing some accountability for us as scholars.

Please contact me ( if you would like to participate in this group.