How Does Your Grad Dept Prepare Students to Teach? An Open, Crowdsourced @HASTAC Project

You’re invited to contribute!  In 2019, we crowdsourced a document and collected  twenty-nine pages of information on Graduate Programs Requiring Instruction In Teaching (inc For-Credit Courses)”  .  The document includes user-supplied information on graduate programs across the US and Canada, in many fields (at a glance, I see English, Psychology, Public Health, Spanish, Neuroscience, etc)

In Inside Higher Ed, Colleen Flaherty wrote about this project in “Required Pedagogy”.

We’ve opened up a new Google Doc so you can add to the list—or, if you prefer, just browse the list to see what other departments do to prepare future academics to be the best possible, most inspiring teachers of the field they love.  Check it out!

