“Trust Your Students” – Remote Summit 2020

On Monday, July 13, Cathy N. Davidson and Christina Katopodis presented at the REMOTE summit hosted by Arizona State University. Our talk, “Trust Your Students,” was about co-learning and using active learning tools like Think-Pair-Share and Entry and Exit Tickets to support peer-to-peer learning in a community, whether onsite or online.

At our session, there were over 2,000 attendees from all over the world. Katopodis did a Think-Pair-Share activity with attendees, and in 90 seconds we had over 21 pages of comments in the chat with ideas for how to build trust with our students this year in the most difficult working conditions we’ve ever faced. The wealth of suggestions and level of participation in our short interactive demonstrated the power of participatory learning.

Watch a recorded video of the session here, and view the slides from the presentation here.